Determine the size in bytes of a Fortran type
Output Effect
Sets SIZEOF_F77_uctype to the size if bytes of type.
If type is unknown, the size is set to 0.
If cross-compiling, the value cross-size is used (it may be a variable)
For example PAC_PROG_F77_CHECK_SIZEOF(real) defines
SIZEOF_F77_REAL to 4 on most systems. The variable
pac_cv_sizeof_f77_<type> (e.g., pac_cv_sizeof_f77_real) is also set to
the size of the type.
If the corresponding variable is already set, that value is used.
If the name has an * in it (e.g., integer*4), the defined name
replaces that with an underscore (e.g., SIZEOF_F77_INTEGER_4).
If the cross-size argument is not given, autoconf will issue an error
message. You can use 0 to specify undetermined.