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Generating true hypertext documentation is a task that requires skill and hard work. The tools described in this report are intended to help you create simple hypertext documents that include multimedia elements as well as extensive cross-referencing, without requiring you to learn a new word-processing system (as long as you already know LaTeX [(ref Lamport86)]). The documents produced by this system, while relatively simple, do include hot links to other documents, the ability to link individual names (such as routine or person names) to other documents, and simple multimedia elements.

Specifically, we describe the program tohtml, which converts LaTeX files to HTML (the Web hypertext markup language). This C program is fast and can handle very large documents. The program doctext can be used to generate manual pages for routines written in C that can be referenced automatically by documents built with tohtml. Finally, a LaTeX style file, tools.core/info2rtf/anlhtext.sty provides a way to use LaTeX and include hypertext links, graphics, and movies into a document.

Other tools exist for translating LaTeX to HTML; perhaps the best known is LaTeX2html. This program has different strengths and weaknesses when compared with tohtml; if you have trouble with one program, you should try the other.

LaTeX in this document refers to the original LaTeX, not the new and incompatible LaTeX2e. Support for LaTeX2e may be provided in the future.

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