Program Committees
(A very incomplete list)
Meeting | Date | Role |
11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS'98), September 2-4, 1998, Chicago, Illinois | Program Vice-Chair for Concurrency and Parallelism | |
ICS 1998 | Program Committee | |
IPDPS 2001, April, San Francisco | Program Committee | |
ICPP 2001 | Program Committee | |
IEEE Cluster 2001 | Vice Program Chair | |
IEEE Cluster 2002 | Program Chair | |
International Symposium on High Performance Computing 2002 (ISHPC-IV) | Program Chair (Software Track) | |
SC2002 | Program Committee | |
IEEE Cluster 2002 | September 2002 | |
International Symposium on High Performance Computing 2002 (ISHPC-IV) | May 2002 | |
Euro PVMMPI'02 | September 2002 | |
SC2002 | November 2002 | |
International Workshop on Innovative Architectures | January 2003 | |
Euro PVM/MPI'03 | September 2003 | |
International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'03) | October 2003 | |
SC2003 | ||
IEEE Cluster 2003 | December 2003 | Vice Chair for Middleware |
International Workshop on Grid Education (at CCGrid2004) | April, 2004 | |
IPDPS'04 | April 2004 | |
IEEE Cluster 2004 | ||
Euro PVM/MPI'04 | ||
SC2004 | Program Committee | |
Euro PVM/MPI'05 | ||
Workshop on the Frontiers of Extreme Computing | Steering Committee | |
SC2005 | Program Committee (Applications) | |
SIAM Parallel Processing 2006 | Co-Chair | |
IFIP Working Conference on Grid-based Problem Solving Environments: Implications for Development and Deployment of Numerical Software | July, 2006 | Program Chair |
Euro PVM/MPI'06 | ||
IEEE Cluster 2006 | Program Chair | |
SC2006 | Technical Papers Co-Chair | |
HPCC07 | ||
ParCo'07 | ||
IPDPS'08 | Program Committee | |
Parallel Programming on Accelerator-Based Systems | February, 2008 | Program Committee |
Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-End Computing (P2S2), a workshop for ICPP | Steering Committee | |
PACT'09 | September, 2009 | Program Committee |
ICS'10 | Program Committee |
Other Committees
SC2002 Gordon Bell PrizeSC2003 Gordon Bell Prize (Chair)
SC2004 Gordon Bell Prize (Chair)
2004 IEEE Computer Society Seymour Cray Commputer Engineering Award
SC2005 Gordon Bell Prize (Chair)
SC2006 ACM Gordon Bell Prize